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Extra-Curricular Events

  • Halloween Recital  -  We have a recital in the garden/classroom of various songs and poems the children have learned in the first term which parents and extended families are invited to attend.  The children can come to school dressed up in a costume if they wish.


  • Christmas ConcertAt Christmas we invite parents/grandparents/extended family to come in to watch the children perform their nativity play and to hear them sing all the Christmas carols they have learned.


  • Easter Egg Hunt - The children have great fun at easter time hunting in the garden for easter eggs and sweets the Easter Bunny has left for them.


  • School Trip - We take the children to a farm for our annual school trip.  This is a great occasion and parents are invited to come along also if they can.


  • Sports Day - We organise our sports day in the green opposite the school.  This is a very enjoyable morning for all.  We have sprints, sack races, obstacle races, egg and spoon race, penalty shoot out, three-legged races etc.  Parents/grandparents/extended family and childminders are invited to come along.


  • Feis Maitiú - We have participated at the Feis for over 10 years.  We enter the children in the Mixed Poetry competition under 5 at the Mill Theatre in Dundrum.  It's a fantastic opportunity for them to experience being up on stage and performing and it's a lovely social event and a day they will always remember.


  • End of year Concert - We always round off the year with a musical.  Previous shows have been The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music and Oliver!.  The children have great fun learning all the songs and their lines and it really is the highlight of the year.  Once again, invitations are sent to all families to come along. 

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